--- # For configuration options and examples, please see: # https://gethomepage.dev/latest/configs/settings title: OpenFest dashboard layout: - Development: - Social: - Bookmarks: # This is the background image if you want to remove it just comment / remove the next few lines background: image: https://www.openfest.org/2024//img/CoverOpenFest2024BG.webp blur: sm # sm, "", md, xl... see https://tailwindcss.com/docs/backdrop-blur saturate: 20 # 0, 50, 100... see https://tailwindcss.com/docs/backdrop-saturate brightness: 5 # 0, 50, 75... see https://tailwindcss.com/docs/backdrop-brightness opacity: 5 # 0-100 providers: openweathermap: openweathermapapikey weatherapi: weatherapiapikey