#!/bin/sh # # This check can be used to count the number of streams from nginx STREAMERS=http://stream.openfest.org/stats if [ -e $MK_CONFDIR/count-streams.cfg ] ; then . $MK_CONFDIR/count-streams.cfg fi echo "<<<mrpe>>>" if [ ! -r $MK_CONFDIR/count-streams.xsl ] ; then _res=3 _data="UNKNOWN: Stylesheet not found" fi for STREAMER in ${STREAMERS} ; do stream_count=`curl -sfq -m1 ${STREAMER} | xsltproc $MK_CONFDIR/count-streams.xsl -` _warn=${WARNLEVEL:-3} _crit=${CRITLEVEL:-6} if [ $stream_count -ge $_crit ] ; then _data="OK - stream count $stream_count" _res=0 fi if [ $stream_count -ge $_crit -a $stream_count -le $_warn ] ; then _data="WARN - stream count $stream_count, less than expected. Min $_crit, needed $_warn" _res=1 fi if [ $stream_count -lt $_crit ] ; then _data="CRITICAL - Streams lower than $_crit" _res=2 fi echo "Streamcount_${STREAMER} ${_res} ${_data}" done