Admin interface #6

ignisf merged 23 commits from admin-interface into master 2014-10-06 12:33:26 +03:00
1 changed files with 13 additions and 10 deletions
Showing only changes of commit 2cc50622d4 - Show all commits

View File

@ -1,11 +1,14 @@
.row .row
table.record-table .panel.panel-primary
thead .panel-heading
tr h3.panel-title = Event.model_name.human(count: 2)
th.picture = Event.human_attribute_name(:user) table.record-table
th = Event.human_attribute_name(:title) thead
th = Track.model_name.human tr
th = Event.human_attribute_name(:type) th.picture = Event.human_attribute_name(:user)
th.actions th = Event.human_attribute_name(:title)
tbody th = Track.model_name.human
= render partial: 'suggestion_group', collection: @suggestion_groups th = Event.human_attribute_name(:type)
= render partial: 'suggestion_group', collection: @suggestion_groups