  home_title: "%{conference} - call for speakers"
  what_we_ask: 'Please send us applications for talks and workshops in the following categories until September 30, 2014:'
  license_notice: 'Keep in mind that your workshop/presentation will later be published under the CC-BY-ND (Creative Commons – Attribution – No derivatives) license.'
  submit_event: Submit %{event_type}
  resend_instructions_header: Re-send the instructions for confirming an account
  resend_instructions_btn: Re-send instructions
  enter: Login
  login: Login
  registration: Registration
  lostpass: Lost password?
  did_not_get_confirmation: Did not get confirmation instructions?
  did_not_get_unlock: Did not get unlocking instructions?
  change_pass: Change password
  send_lostpass_instructions: Send instructions to reset lost password

  login_data: Login data
  login_with: "Login with %{with}"

  speaker_profile: Speaker's profile
  please_fill_in_your_speaker_profile: Please fill in your speaker profile.
  expected_validation: "Expected confirmation of: %{email}"
  pass_update_hint1: Do not fill, if you do not want to change your password
  pass_update_hint2: Fill this if you want to change your password or e-mail.
  update: Update

  resend_unlock_instructions_title: Re-send unlocking instructions

  edit_speaker_profile: Edit profile

  edit_workshop: Edit workshop

  edit_title: "track: „%{track}“, duration: %{len} min."
  abstract: Abstract
  description: Description
  edit: Edit

  new_workshop_title: Submit new workshop

  my_workshops: My submitted workshops
  no_workshops_submitted: You have no submissions for workshops

  edit_talk: Edit talk

  submit_talk_header: Submit new talk

  my_talks: My submitted talks
  no_talks_submitted: You have no submissions for talks

  hello: "Hello, %{name}"
  account_locked: Your account was locked because of too many failed login attempts.
  click_to_unlock: 'Click on the link below to unlock it:'

  welcome: "Welcome, %{name}"
  confirm_by_clicking: 'You can confirm your account by clicking on the link below:'

  someone_requested_passreset: Someone has requested a link to reset the password of your account. Your password can be changed through the link below.
  do_not_want_pass_reset1: If you don't want to change your password, please delete this message.
  do_not_want_pass_reset2: Your password will not be changed unless you click on the link above and enter a new password.

  home: Home
  talks: Lectures
  workshops: Workshops
  logout: Logout

  of_motto: share the freedom
  meta_data: "Language: %{language}, track: \"%{track}\", length: %{length} min."
  suggestion_and_speaker_count: "%{suggestions} suggestions by %{speakers} speakers"

  lecture_was_successfully_confirmed: "The lecture was successfully confirmed"
  workshop_was_successfully_confirmed: "The workshop was successfully confirmed"