2015-07-26 14:55:01 +03:00

29 lines
837 B

- User-facing:
- Event proposal: lecture, workshop, open space (CRUD)
- Volunteership
- Sponsorship
- Admin:
- # Create a conference, halls, tracks
- # Starting a CFP
- # conferences#show -> admin dashboard
- volunteers#index -> approved volunteers
- sponsorships#index -> generate token, links to send around
- scheduling -> calendar with events
- # proposals#index -> undecided events, grouped by user
- # events#index -> approved events
- users:
- # edit profile: image upload and stuff
- # show profile
- Edit profiles instead
- Home-area user CRUD
- # Controller before_action that checks for current_conference
- Devise view styling
- .row > .col-lg-12 -> put that outside of the "yield"?
- human_attribute_name -> create a short alias?