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We are happy to notify you that your request for participation in <%= @event.conference.title %> with the <%= @event.event_type.name.downcase %> titled "<%= @event.title %>" was approved. <% if @event.slot.present? -%>
It has been scheduled for <%= I18n.l @event.slot.starts_at, format: :long %>.
<% else %>
It has not been scheduled yet.
<% end %>
Please confirm your participation as soon as you can by following the following link:
<%= confirm_event_url @event, host: @event.conference.host_name, protocol: 'https' %>
Please make sure you include the QR code attached to this email in your
presentation. It contains a link to the feedback form for your <%= @event.event_type.name.downcase %>.
Please respond to this email in case you have any questions.
The <%= @event.conference.title %> Team