Update the bundle

This commit is contained in:
Petko Bordjukov 2017-09-25 16:06:20 +03:00
parent a8dd3ca040
commit 9fb9056fed
2 changed files with 106 additions and 101 deletions

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
source 'https://rubygems.org' source 'https://rubygems.org'
gem 'rails', '' gem 'rails', '5.0.6'
gem 'sqlite3' gem 'sqlite3'
gem 'sass-rails' gem 'sass-rails'

View File

@ -1,183 +1,188 @@
remote: git://github.com/rails/activeresource.git remote: git://github.com/rails/activeresource.git
revision: f8abaf13174e94d179227f352c9dd6fb8b03e0da revision: 65a87867ff8b91189cf6649f0a4423a41add0fc7
specs: specs:
activeresource (5.0.0) activeresource (5.0.0)
activemodel (> 4.2, < 6) activemodel (>= 5.0, < 6)
activemodel-serializers-xml (~> 1.0) activemodel-serializers-xml (~> 1.0)
activesupport (> 4.2, < 6) activesupport (>= 5.0, < 6)
remote: https://rubygems.org/ remote: https://rubygems.org/
specs: specs:
actioncable ( actioncable (5.0.6)
actionpack (= actionpack (= 5.0.6)
nio4r (~> 1.2) nio4r (>= 1.2, < 3.0)
websocket-driver (~> 0.6.1) websocket-driver (~> 0.6.1)
actionmailer ( actionmailer (5.0.6)
actionpack (= actionpack (= 5.0.6)
actionview (= actionview (= 5.0.6)
activejob (= activejob (= 5.0.6)
mail (~> 2.5, >= 2.5.4) mail (~> 2.5, >= 2.5.4)
rails-dom-testing (~> 2.0) rails-dom-testing (~> 2.0)
actionpack ( actionpack (5.0.6)
actionview (= actionview (= 5.0.6)
activesupport (= activesupport (= 5.0.6)
rack (~> 2.0) rack (~> 2.0)
rack-test (~> 0.6.3) rack-test (~> 0.6.3)
rails-dom-testing (~> 2.0) rails-dom-testing (~> 2.0)
rails-html-sanitizer (~> 1.0, >= 1.0.2) rails-html-sanitizer (~> 1.0, >= 1.0.2)
actionview ( actionview (5.0.6)
activesupport (= activesupport (= 5.0.6)
builder (~> 3.1) builder (~> 3.1)
erubis (~> 2.7.0) erubis (~> 2.7.0)
rails-dom-testing (~> 2.0) rails-dom-testing (~> 2.0)
rails-html-sanitizer (~> 1.0, >= 1.0.2) rails-html-sanitizer (~> 1.0, >= 1.0.3)
activejob ( activejob (5.0.6)
activesupport (= activesupport (= 5.0.6)
globalid (>= 0.3.6) globalid (>= 0.3.6)
activemodel ( activemodel (5.0.6)
activesupport (= activesupport (= 5.0.6)
activemodel-serializers-xml (1.0.1) activemodel-serializers-xml (1.0.2)
activemodel (> 5.x) activemodel (> 5.x)
activerecord (> 5.x)
activesupport (> 5.x) activesupport (> 5.x)
builder (~> 3.1) builder (~> 3.1)
activerecord ( activerecord (5.0.6)
activemodel (= activemodel (= 5.0.6)
activesupport (= activesupport (= 5.0.6)
arel (~> 7.0) arel (~> 7.0)
activesupport ( activesupport (5.0.6)
concurrent-ruby (~> 1.0, >= 1.0.2) concurrent-ruby (~> 1.0, >= 1.0.2)
i18n (~> 0.7) i18n (~> 0.7)
minitest (~> 5.1) minitest (~> 5.1)
tzinfo (~> 1.1) tzinfo (~> 1.1)
airbrussh (1.1.1) airbrussh (1.3.0)
sshkit (>= 1.6.1, != 1.7.0) sshkit (>= 1.6.1, != 1.7.0)
arel (7.1.2) arel (7.1.4)
builder (3.2.2) builder (3.2.3)
capistrano (3.6.1) capistrano (3.9.1)
airbrussh (>= 1.0.0) airbrussh (>= 1.0.0)
i18n i18n
rake (>= 10.0.0) rake (>= 10.0.0)
sshkit (>= 1.9.0) sshkit (>= 1.9.0)
capistrano-bundler (1.1.4) capistrano-bundler (1.3.0)
capistrano (~> 3.1) capistrano (~> 3.1)
sshkit (~> 1.2) sshkit (~> 1.2)
capistrano-harrow (0.5.3) capistrano-rails (1.3.0)
capistrano-rails (1.1.8)
capistrano (~> 3.1) capistrano (~> 3.1)
capistrano-bundler (~> 1.1) capistrano-bundler (~> 1.1)
capistrano-rvm (0.1.2) capistrano-rvm (0.1.2)
capistrano (~> 3.0) capistrano (~> 3.0)
sshkit (~> 1.2) sshkit (~> 1.2)
capistrano3-puma (1.2.1) capistrano3-puma (3.1.1)
capistrano (~> 3.0) capistrano (~> 3.7)
puma (>= 2.6) capistrano-bundler
coderay (1.1.1) puma (~> 3.4)
coffee-rails (4.2.1) coderay (1.1.2)
coffee-rails (4.2.2)
coffee-script (>= 2.2.0) coffee-script (>= 2.2.0)
railties (>= 4.0.0, < 5.2.x) railties (>= 4.0.0)
coffee-script (2.4.1) coffee-script (2.4.1)
coffee-script-source coffee-script-source
execjs execjs
coffee-script-source (1.10.0) coffee-script-source (1.12.2)
concurrent-ruby (1.0.2) concurrent-ruby (1.0.5)
crass (1.0.2)
erubis (2.7.0) erubis (2.7.0)
execjs (2.7.0) execjs (2.7.0)
globalid (0.3.7) ffi (1.9.18)
activesupport (>= 4.1.0) globalid (0.4.0)
i18n (0.7.0) activesupport (>= 4.2.0)
jbuilder (2.6.0) i18n (0.8.6)
activesupport (>= 3.0.0, < 5.1) jbuilder (2.7.0)
multi_json (~> 1.2) activesupport (>= 4.2.0)
jquery-rails (4.2.1) multi_json (>= 1.2)
jquery-rails (4.3.1)
rails-dom-testing (>= 1, < 3) rails-dom-testing (>= 1, < 3)
railties (>= 4.2.0) railties (>= 4.2.0)
thor (>= 0.14, < 2.0) thor (>= 0.14, < 2.0)
loofah (2.0.3) loofah (2.1.1)
crass (~> 1.0.2)
nokogiri (>= 1.5.9) nokogiri (>= 1.5.9)
mail (2.6.4) mail (2.6.6)
mime-types (>= 1.16, < 4) mime-types (>= 1.16, < 4)
method_source (0.8.2) method_source (0.8.2)
mime-types (3.1) mime-types (3.1)
mime-types-data (~> 3.2015) mime-types-data (~> 3.2015)
mime-types-data (3.2016.0521) mime-types-data (3.2016.0521)
mini_portile2 (2.1.0) mini_portile2 (2.3.0)
minitest (5.9.1) minitest (5.10.3)
multi_json (1.12.1) multi_json (1.12.2)
net-scp (1.2.1) net-scp (1.2.1)
net-ssh (>= 2.6.5) net-ssh (>= 2.6.5)
net-ssh (3.2.0) net-ssh (4.2.0)
nio4r (1.2.1) nio4r (2.1.0)
nokogiri (1.6.8) nokogiri (1.8.1)
mini_portile2 (~> 2.1.0) mini_portile2 (~> 2.3.0)
pkg-config (~> 1.1.7) pg (0.21.0)
pg (0.19.0) pry (0.11.0)
pkg-config (1.1.7)
pry (0.10.4)
coderay (~> 1.1.0) coderay (~> 1.1.0)
method_source (~> 0.8.1) method_source (~> 0.8.1)
slop (~> 3.4) pry-rails (0.3.6)
pry-rails (0.3.4) pry (>= 0.10.4)
pry (>= 0.9.10) puma (3.10.0)
puma (3.6.0) rack (2.0.3)
rack (2.0.1)
rack-test (0.6.3) rack-test (0.6.3)
rack (>= 1.0) rack (>= 1.0)
rails ( rails (5.0.6)
actioncable (= actioncable (= 5.0.6)
actionmailer (= actionmailer (= 5.0.6)
actionpack (= actionpack (= 5.0.6)
actionview (= actionview (= 5.0.6)
activejob (= activejob (= 5.0.6)
activemodel (= activemodel (= 5.0.6)
activerecord (= activerecord (= 5.0.6)
activesupport (= activesupport (= 5.0.6)
bundler (>= 1.3.0, < 2.0) bundler (>= 1.3.0)
railties (= railties (= 5.0.6)
sprockets-rails (>= 2.0.0) sprockets-rails (>= 2.0.0)
rails-dom-testing (2.0.1) rails-dom-testing (2.0.3)
activesupport (>= 4.2.0, < 6.0) activesupport (>= 4.2.0)
nokogiri (~> 1.6.0) nokogiri (>= 1.6)
rails-html-sanitizer (1.0.3) rails-html-sanitizer (1.0.3)
loofah (~> 2.0) loofah (~> 2.0)
railties ( railties (5.0.6)
actionpack (= actionpack (= 5.0.6)
activesupport (= activesupport (= 5.0.6)
method_source method_source
rake (>= 0.8.7) rake (>= 0.8.7)
thor (>= 0.18.1, < 2.0) thor (>= 0.18.1, < 2.0)
rake (11.3.0) rake (12.1.0)
sass (3.4.22) rb-fsevent (0.10.2)
rb-inotify (0.9.10)
ffi (>= 0.5.0, < 2)
sass (3.5.1)
sass-listen (~> 4.0.0)
sass-listen (4.0.0)
rb-fsevent (~> 0.9, >= 0.9.4)
rb-inotify (~> 0.9, >= 0.9.7)
sass-rails (5.0.6) sass-rails (5.0.6)
railties (>= 4.0.0, < 6) railties (>= 4.0.0, < 6)
sass (~> 3.1) sass (~> 3.1)
sprockets (>= 2.8, < 4.0) sprockets (>= 2.8, < 4.0)
sprockets-rails (>= 2.0, < 4.0) sprockets-rails (>= 2.0, < 4.0)
tilt (>= 1.1, < 3) tilt (>= 1.1, < 3)
slop (3.6.0) spring (2.0.2)
spring (1.7.2) activesupport (>= 4.2)
sprockets (3.7.0) sprockets (3.7.1)
concurrent-ruby (~> 1.0) concurrent-ruby (~> 1.0)
rack (> 1, < 3) rack (> 1, < 3)
sprockets-rails (3.2.0) sprockets-rails (3.2.1)
actionpack (>= 4.0) actionpack (>= 4.0)
activesupport (>= 4.0) activesupport (>= 4.0)
sprockets (>= 3.0.0) sprockets (>= 3.0.0)
sqlite3 (1.3.11) sqlite3 (1.3.13)
sshkit (1.11.3) sshkit (1.14.0)
net-scp (>= 1.1.2) net-scp (>= 1.1.2)
net-ssh (>= 2.8.0) net-ssh (>= 2.8.0)
thor (0.19.1) thor (0.20.0)
thread_safe (0.3.5) thread_safe (0.3.6)
tilt (2.0.5) tilt (2.0.8)
tzinfo (1.2.2) tzinfo (1.2.3)
thread_safe (~> 0.1) thread_safe (~> 0.1)
uglifier (3.0.2) uglifier (3.2.0)
execjs (>= 0.3.0, < 3) execjs (>= 0.3.0, < 3)
websocket-driver (0.6.4) websocket-driver (0.6.5)
websocket-extensions (>= 0.1.0) websocket-extensions (>= 0.1.0)
websocket-extensions (0.1.2) websocket-extensions (0.1.2)
@ -195,11 +200,11 @@ DEPENDENCIES
pg pg
pry-rails pry-rails
puma puma
rails (= rails (= 5.0.6)
sass-rails sass-rails
spring spring
sqlite3 sqlite3
uglifier uglifier
1.12.5 1.15.4