array('lectures' => array(1, 2, 3), 'workshops' => array(4, 5), 'all' => array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) ), '2015' => array('lectures' => array(6, 7, 8), 'workshops' => array(9), 'all' => array(6, 7, 8, 9) ), '2016' => array('lectures' => array(6, 7), 'workshops' => array(8, 9), 'all' => array(6, 7, 8, 9) ) ); /* clarion conference ids */ $confids = array('2014' => 1, '2015' => 2, '2016' => 3); /* get stuff from WP and parse */ $siteurl = get_option('siteurl'); $year = preg_replace('%.*/([0-9]*)$%', '\1', $siteurl); $CF['confid'] = $confids[$year]; /* TODO make this read the ids from the proper place, as this breaks other years*/ if ( preg_match('/^workshop/', $pagename) ) { $CF['allowedhallids'] = $hall_defs[$year]['workshops']; } else if (preg_match('/^(speakers|lektori)/', $pagename) ) { $CF['allowedhallids'] = $hall_defs[$year]['all']; } else { $CF['allowedhallids'] = $hall_defs[$year]['lectures']; } /* * There is no better way to get where the speakers are */ if ('en' === $CF['lang']) { $CF['s_slug'] = 'speakers'; } else { $CF['s_slug'] = 'lektori'; } $args = array( 'name' => $CF['s_slug'], 'post_type' => 'page', 'numberposts' => 1 ); $speakers_url = ''; $my_posts = get_posts($args); if( $my_posts ) { $CF['speakers_url'] = get_permalink( $my_posts[0]->ID ); } ?>