{ "nav": { "home": "Home", "about": "About us", "partners": "Partners", "archive": "Archive", "contact": "Contact" }, "main": { "date": "2 - 3 november 2024", "titleLocation": "Sofia Tech Park", "countdownTimer": { "title": "OpenFest starts in", "days": "Days", "hours": "Hours", "minutes": "Minutes" }, "description": { "title": "What is OpenFest...", "text": "OpenFest is the biggest Bulgarian conference dedicated to the free culture, free knowledge sharing, free and open-source software. The event is organized by volunteers and is free to attend. OpenFest is held annually in Sofia, Bulgaria." }, "cfp": { "title": "How to participate in OpenFest 2024?", "lecture": "Take part with a lecture, a workshop or a booth", "volunteers": "Join us as a volunteer", "partners": "Support the event as a partner" }, "news": { "title": "News", "cardButton": "Read", "button": "See all" }, "partners": { "sponsors": "Sponsors", "media": "Media partners" } }, "footer": { "description": "OpenFest is a event dedicated to free culture, free and open-source software, and free sharing of knowledge.", "eventDate": "2-3 November 2024", "eventLocation": "Sofia Tech Park", "contactTeam": "Connect with the team", "contactDirections": "If you have any questions and suggestions or if you would like to participate in OpenFest 2024, get in touch with us:", "copyright": "Some rights reserved." } }