function Schedule() { var events = []; this.addEvent = function(event) { events.push(event); events = _.sortBy(events, function(event) { return event.startTime.unix() }); } this.upcomingEvents = function() { return, function(event) { return event.startTime.isAfter(moment()); }); } this.nextEvent = function() { return _.first(this.upcomingEvents()); } this.currentEvent = function() { var latestEvent = _.last(this.pastEvents()); var nextEvent = this.nextEvent(); if (typeof nextEvent != 'undefined' && moment(nextEvent.startTime).subtract('minutes', 10).isAfter(moment())) { return latestEvent; } else { return undefined; } } this.futureEvents = function() { return this.upcomingEvents().splice(1); } this.pastEvents = function() { return, function(event) { return event.startTime.isBefore(moment()); }); } this.allEvents = function() { return events; } this.addDelay = function(time) { _.each(this.upcomingEvents(), function(event, index, agenda) { event.startTime.add(time); }); } } var schedule = new Schedule(); schedule.addEvent({ title: 'Behind the scenes of a grown-up web application‎', startTime: moment({hour: 10, minute: 00}), speakers: [ { name: 'Kerstin Puschke (‎titanoboa‎)', description: 'Kerstin Puschke is a software engineer living in Hamburg. As part of an awesome team, she contributes to the backend of XING, a social network for business professionals with about 14 million users.' } ] }); schedule.addEvent({ title: 'GOTO statement considered awesome‎', startTime: moment({hour: 10, minute: 30}), speakers: [ { name: 'Carl Mäsak (‎masak‎)', description: 'Has been programming Perl since 2001. Found Perl 6 somewhere around 2004, and fell in love. Now doing a number of projects in Perl 5 and 6. A regular at #perl6, he often helps newcomers and does smallish tasks on the Perl 6 specs, test suite and on Rakudo and Niecza.' } ] }); schedule.addEvent({ title: '‎C-Day Is Coming‎', startTime: moment({hour: 11}), speakers: [ { name: 'liz', description: 'Made some interesting modules, to be found at CPAN. Co-organiser YAPC::Europe::2001 in Amsterdam. Chairman of YAPC::Europe::Foundation (YEF)' } ] }); schedule.addEvent({ title: 'Lunch', startTime: moment({hour: 12, minute: 20}) }); schedule.addEvent({ title: 'Digest:SHA is broken‎', startTime: moment({hour: 13, minute: 20}), speakers: [ { name: 'Mark Overmeer (‎markov‎)', description: 'Perl, Perl and UNIX' } ] }); schedule.addEvent({ title: 'Asynchronous Programming with Futures‎', startTime: moment({hour: 13, minute: 50}), speakers: [ { name: 'Paul Evans (‎LeoNerd‎)', description: '' } ] }); schedule.addEvent({ title: 'Adventures in Perl 6 Asynchrony‎', startTime: moment({hour: 14, minute: 50}), speakers: [ { name: 'Jonathan Worthington (‎jnthn‎)', description: 'In the Perl world, Jonathan is best known as one of the key developers of the Rakudo Perl 6 compiler. His work has focused on the object model, type system, multiple dispatch and signatures. He\'s a regular speaker in the European Perl Conference and Workshop scene, and finds any invite to come and speak and enjoy a few beers with the local Perl hackers hard to resist.' } ] }); schedule.addEvent({ title: 'Coffee Break', startTime: moment({hour: 15, minute: 40}) }); schedule.addEvent({ title: '‎Day 3 Keynote - The Joy In What We Do‎', startTime: moment({hour: 16, minute: 10}), speakers: [ { name: 'Sawyer X', description: '' } ] }); schedule.addEvent({ title: 'Lightning Talks', startTime: moment({hour: 17, minute: 00}), });