function Schedule() { var events = []; this.addEvent = function(event) { events.push(event); events = _.sortBy(events, function(event) { return event.startTime.unix() }); } this.upcomingEvents = function() { return, function(event) { return event.startTime.isAfter(moment()); }); } this.nextEvent = function() { return _.first(this.upcomingEvents()); } this.currentEvent = function() { var latestEvent = _.last(this.pastEvents()); var nextEvent = this.nextEvent(); if (typeof nextEvent != 'undefined' && moment(nextEvent.startTime).subtract('minutes', 10).isAfter(moment())) { return latestEvent; } else { return undefined; } } this.futureEvents = function() { return this.upcomingEvents().splice(1); } this.pastEvents = function() { return, function(event) { return event.startTime.isBefore(moment()); }); } this.allEvents = function() { return events; } this.addDelay = function(time) { _.each(this.upcomingEvents(), function(event, index, agenda) { event.startTime.add(time); }); } } var schedule = new Schedule(); schedule.addEvent({ title: 'Regex 101', startTime: moment({hour: 10, minute: 00}), speakers: [ { name: 'Bradley Andersen (elohmrow)', description: 'Je n\'avais pas besoin de cette hypothese-la' } ] }); schedule.addEvent({ title: 'HTTP Clients and Perl', startTime: moment({hour: 11}), speakers: [ { name: 'Tom Hukins', description: '' } ] }); schedule.addEvent({ title: 'Dancer and DBIx::Class', startTime: moment({hour: 11, minute: 30}), speakers: [ { name: 'Stefan Hornburg (racke)', description: 'Open source consultant since 1998, with the focus on E-Commerce, Perl and Debian. Started using Dancer in 2011 and is now part of the Dancer development team.' } ] }); schedule.addEvent({ title: 'Lunch', startTime: moment({hour: 12, minute: 20}) }); schedule.addEvent({ title: 'Reading the layercake, an introduction to PerlIO', startTime: moment({hour: 13, minute: 20}), speakers: [ { name: 'Leon Timmermans (leont)', description: 'He\'s a Dutch perl hacker, mainly known for File::Map, Module::Build::Tiny, libperl++ and threads::lite, as well as some contributions to core.' } ] }); schedule.addEvent({ title: 'Devops Logique', startTime: moment({hour: 13, minute: 50}), speakers: [ { name: 'Matt S Trout (mst)', description: '' } ] }); schedule.addEvent({ title: 'Functional Pe(a)rls: Huey\'s Zipper', startTime: moment({hour: 14, minute: 50}), speakers: [ { name: 'osfameron', description: 'mySociety, DoES Liverpool (coworking/hackspace), co-author of Designing the Internet of Things' } ] }); schedule.addEvent({ title: 'Coffee Break', startTime: moment({hour: 15, minute: 40}) }); schedule.addEvent({ title: 'Lightning Talks', startTime: moment({hour: 16, minute: 10}), }); schedule.addEvent({ title: 'Day 2 Keynote - State of the Velociraptor', startTime: moment({hour: 17, minute: 10}), speakers: [ { name: 'Matt S Trout (mst)', description: '' } ] });