Optimise the Travis build matrix #19

ignisf merged 1 commits from tweak-travis-matrix into 2.0 2015-07-19 20:57:27 +03:00
ignisf commented 2015-07-19 16:23:05 +03:00 (Migrated from github.com)

Make sure Travis starts its build from the newest Ruby version and allow
failures on older Ruby versions. Also specify the fast_finish directive
that instructs Travis to mark the build as successful/failed when all
builds with Rubies that are not allowed to fail are complete.

Make sure Travis starts its build from the newest Ruby version and allow failures on older Ruby versions. Also specify the fast_finish directive that instructs Travis to mark the build as successful/failed when all builds with Rubies that are not allowed to fail are complete.
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Reference: Site/clarion#19
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